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June 30, 2024 4 Mins

Ask, Think, Learn: The Critical Thinking Curriculum at CMR Gandhi Public School

Why is critical thinking in the education world a buzzword in today's day and age?

The education sector has undergone seismic changes in recent times. The focus on teaching has shifted from merely providing students with a lot of information, to allowing them to think, experiment, ask questions, and forge their own path of learning. Modern education is based on the belief that each child is unique and discovers their identity, meaning and purpose through connections with the community, the natural world and spiritual values. Since a child’s intelligence and abilities are intricate and cannot be measured by scores on standardised tests, skills such as critical thinking ought to be given priority.

Concept of critical thinking in education

The skill of critical thinking has been extensively explored by various scholars. Dr. Richard Paul proposed that critical thinking should be viewed as "that mode of thinking - about any subject, concept or problem - in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structure inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them." To understand this concept, here is a simple yet effective process that a teacher may use in class to teach critical thinking skills:

1. Show a Picture:

The teacher shows the class a picture of a busy city street.

2. Ask Observational Questions:

  • "What do you see in this picture?"
  • "Can you describe the elements present (buildings, people, vehicles)?"

3. Encourage Deeper Inquiry:

  • "Why do you think the street is so crowded?"
  • "What might be the reasons for the different types of vehicles on the street?"

4. Analyse and Interpret:

  • "How do you think the traffic affects the daily lives of people in this city?"
  • "What could be some underlying issues causing the traffic congestion?"

5. Form Hypotheses:

  • "What are some possible solutions to reduce traffic in this area?"
  • "How might these solutions impact the environment and the community?"

6. Discuss and Reflect:

  • "What are the pros and cons of each proposed solution?"
  • "Which solution do you think is most feasible and why?"

Elements that underlie critical thinking

Now that we have learnt how a teacher may successfully instil the concept of critical thinking, let us delve deeper into the elements underlying critical thinking, based on the model of critical thinking identified by the educationalist Edward Glasser:
  1. Interpreting data;
  2. Recognising problems;
  3. Gathering relevant information;
  4. Recognising unstated assumptions and values;
  5. Finding feasible solutions to those problems;
  6. Identifying existing logical relationships between propositions;
  7. Reconstructing one's patterns and beliefs based on broader experience; and
  8. Making informed judgments about specific things and qualities in daily life.


Critical thinking allows children to achieve high intellectual standards by building clarity in a specific field, and measuring relevance, adequacy, and coherence of available information. CMR Gandhi Public School is among the few schools leading the transformation of Indian education with traditional and experiential teaching methods. Our teachers facilitate children in developing critical thinking as a life-long habit. Visit CMR Gandhi Public School today and discover how our innovative curriculum can shape your child's future.
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June 25, 2024 4 Mins

The Role of Yoga and Meditation in Child Development


Yoga and meditation are some of the common practices in India, and they are a means to attain a state of easiness and union of body, mind, and spirit. A consistent practice of the two mindfulness techniques can eventually quieten the mind. When the mind quietens, human intelligence takes charge, attending to the present in the easiest, creative and joyful manner.  Schools are perfect places for children to learn new habits and inculcate them in their routines. Introducing mindfulness techniques such as Yoga and Meditation will broadly impact their overall growth. Physically, children become flexible and strong and develop immense resilience. Meanwhile, psychologically, children become self-reliant, confident, hearty, and easygoing, embracing the changes and challenges that come with life. 

Understanding Yoga and Meditation

Humans are seen as consciousness-energy (cit-shakti), with the physical body surrounding this core existence. Yoga is a means to attend to this consciousness-energy through the physical body. By practising yoga, individuals can align their physical actions with their inner energy, building a deeper connection between body and mind. This practice helps balance and harmonise the energy flow for enhanced physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.  When practising yoga and mindfulness (through meditation or pranayama), children attain a sense of wholeness, happiness and well-being. The postures (ãsanas) are designed to increase flexibility and strength and improve bodily functions such as the endocrine system, gastrointestinal system, immune function, sleep, eye-hand coordination, and balance. Practicing ãsanas can also enhance somatic awareness, attention, memory, learning, and mood (Feuerstein, 2003). Prãnãyãma involves coordinating breathing with postures (ãsanas) to control the mind's concentration. Breath is considered energy present in all living beings. Early yoga practitioners, yogis (male) or yoginis (female), observed that rapid, shallow breathing occurred when someone was upset, while slow, even breathing occurred during relaxation and calm. Since breath and mind are intricately related, it was believed that deliberately controlling and slowing the breath would also calm the mind (Feuerstein, 2003). Eventually, yoga was codified by Patanjali into the Yoga Sutras around 200 CE.

Physical Benefits of Yoga for Children

Yoga has a significant effect on children's physical health, and here are some benefits:
  • Deepens breath
  • Healthy digestion
  • Increases energy levels
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • Improves flexibility mobility
  • Strengthens bones and muscles 
  • Corrects body posture and alignment 
  • Sharpens all five senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste
  • Strengthens the immune system: quicker defence against various bacteria they may encounter.
Yoga poses such as Pavanamuktasana, Supta Matsyendrasana, Trikonasana, Vruksasana, and Suryanamaskara combat physical pain and body numbness in young ones. When pranayama, such as Nadi Shodhana, is performed along with the asanas, it brings balance to the body. 

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

Between 3% and 7% of children are affected by ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), a chronic developmental disorder characterised by hyperactivity and attention deficits. Yoga and meditation provide children with essential mental and emotional benefits, nurturing their overall well-being and personal development. Below are some advantages, along with suggested exercises:
  • Improves focus, concentration and mindfulness
  • Reduces stress, anxiety and fear of failure
  • Emotional strength and self-independence
  • Mood often remains cheerful, joyous and playful
  • The present moment is felt to a greater extent. - reducing or completely releasing depression.
  • Boosts confidence and courage 
  • Eliminates counterproductive thoughts
  • Creates a sense of easiness in performing any task
Adho mukha svanasana, Shavasana, tadasana, sukhasana, yoga nidra, viparita karani and ardha chandrasana when practised along with other forms of yoga, children will quickly attain a sense of mental and emotional balance that lasts throughout the day and expands in their lifetime. 


Studies have shown that yoga, mindfulness, and meditation significantly reduce ADHD symptoms, hyperactivity, and inattention. They also improve parent-child relationships, executive functioning, and on-task behaviour and minimise parent stress while increasing parent mindfulness.  Yoga and meditation, when introduced in schools through everyday practice sessions or as after-school programs, will improve and expand children's physical, mental and emotional well-being. Their cognitive abilities and social skills naturally develop and improve over time. At CMR Gandhi Public School, children are provided with an all-rounded academic program where mindfulness and physical health are one of our many priorities. We have integrated stress-reliving techniques such as yoga, meditation and pranayama so that our children become resilient and confident learners.  Parents seeking quality education in South Bangalore may look at CMR Gandhi Public School. Our school's dedication to cultivating academic excellence and personal growth prepares students to face future challenges with ease and joy. You may call us or visit our school, and we will be happy to take you through all of our programs, including the ones we have created to enhance physical health and mental clarity.  Visit us, where our CMR Gandhi Public School students are equipped to succeed in all aspects of life.
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June 17, 2024 4 Mins

Steps to Reduce Screen Time: Practical Tips for Parents

Are these the sounds often heard around your children?

If yes, then it must have been a challenge to ask kids to take a break from TV, mobile, computer screen or game console.

Screen-Free Time is So Important?

Screen-free time improves:

    1. Mental clarity
    2. Innate creativity
    3. Observational skills
    4. Compassionate response
    5. Physical health
    6. Mindful activities
    7. Problem-solving ability
    8. Sleep quality
    9. Family bonds
    10. Concentration and focus

Research has established that excessive screen time has a negative effect on children's growth. Their fundamental skills such as locomotor (such as running, skipping, jumping, sliding, leaping, and galloping), cognitive, and socio-emotional skills are at risk. The negative impact extends to both physical and psychological health, leading to issues like obesity, sleep problems, anxiety, and hyperactivity.

Do Not Frighten Children with These Facts…

Digital literacy is one of the most important skills of modern life and is essential for children development. Digital skills gives children an edge in creating new opportunities, such as developing innovative projects, coding, digital art and so on. Youngsters are often quick to discover their own extraordinary talents in the digital world.

Nonetheless, it is necessary to reduce excessive and harmful usage of digital media, since it can become highly addictive. In this blog, we share some tips to reduce screen time, integrate digital skills and online entertainment in a balanced manner, ensuring children benefit from the digital world without falling into the trap of overuse.

Two Highly Effective Strategies for reducing Children's Screen Time

1. Appreciation Behaviour Therapy

The best way to ask your child to reduce screen time is by appreciating whenever they put down their gadgets. This strategy only works when your appreciation is genuine. Instead of saying generic phrase like “I am happy that you’ve put down your phone” or “Good job not using your tablet”, try these specific and heartfelt compliments:

  • “I love seeing you play outside, it's so much fun!”
  • “I noticed how you put your phone down to help out, and that was really responsible.”
  • “It's wonderful to see you interacting with your friends face-to-face.”
  • “You have such a great imagination, I love seeing what you come up with!”
  • “I'm so impressed with how you balanced your screen time today.”
  • “You’re really good at finding fun activities to do that don’t involve screens.”

Since these statements highlight positive behaviours, they encourage children to continue making healthy choices. Find new ways to consistently appreciate them over a period of time, and you are guaranteed to witness positive behavioural changes.

2. You Are Your Child’s Biggest Influence

Children are easily inspired and influenced by parents’ day-to-day behaviours. If you spend your free time on screen, or use gadgets while eating, cooking, or talking, they are likely to adopt the same habits.

Spend some time implementing mindfulness in your daily life without expecting children to model your practice immediately. Eat mindfully, exercise with your child, cook attentively, or clean observantly. As your activities become calmer and more focused, children will slowly but surely start to mimic your mindful behaviour. This allows children to choose healthier habits and a more balanced approach to technology.

Here are some mindful activities you can try doing with your child today:

  • Involve children in cooking - baking cookies, mini pizzas, or making cucumber sandwiches
  • Schedule a family activity - board games, outdoor sports or reading together
  • Practice meditation - beginners can try a 5 minute guided meditation video, reinforcing the idea that technology can be used for personal well-being in a meaningful way
  • Experience mindfulness in your daily life and discuss your experience with your child - feel the warmth of the sun, focus on your breath, and notice the calmness that come with such choices

Fun Alternatives to Excessive Screen Time

  • Screen Swap

Swap screen with toys; reading a picture book; practice gardening, drawing & painting

  • Play Outside

Take children to play outside in a park. Play fun games like tag or hide-and-seek, fly kites, go for a hike or go camping in the backyard.

  • Bed-time Story

Tell them a story after tucking them into the bed. This reduces their need to use phones and makes sleep-time more enjoyable.


It is essential for children to be a part of a balanced and positive environment to learn and grow. At CMR Gandhi Public School, we believe that reducing screen time by engaging in various physical activities and inculcating mindfulness can help our children develop healthy habits, boost their creativity and inculcate values such as resilience, discipline, and commitment, supporting them through challenging times.

As one of the top CBSE schools in Bangalore, we provide observational and hands-on learning, a holistic approach to education where both digital literacy and mindful living is valued and nurtured. We prepare our children to live confidently and joyfully through the complexities of the modern world. Our collective efforts will ensure that our students thrive academically and personally.

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May 31, 2024 4 Mins

Nurturing Young Minds: Best Montessori Schools in South Bangalore
Montessori education or nursery school marks the beginning of your child's educational journey, focusing on their overall growth. It is crucial to lay a strong foundation for their learning. This approach promotes hands-on learning and fosters a safe and caring environment.  However, as a parent, choosing the right Montessori school is equally important. The best Montessori schools in South Bangalore prioritize individual pace and lay a solid academic foundation. They also develop a safety culture in young minds In this blog, we will explore the significance of Montessori education in your child's life and offer guidance on selecting the ideal school as a parent. 

Why Montessori Education Matters for Your Child

Montessori education has been successfully fostering the development and growth of children for more than a century. Here are a few reasons why Montessori education is highly significant: 
  1. Encourages Independence and Self-Motivation: Montessori education allows your child to learn at their own pace. It encourages them to take initiative and become self-motivated learners.
  2. Develop Critical Thinking Skills: The Montessori method promotes problem-solving and critical thinking. Your child will learn to analyze situations and make decisions independently.
  3. Improves Social Skills and Supports Emotional Development: At CMR Gandhi Public School Montessori Program, your child will interact with peers of different ages. This fosters empathy, respect, and social skills. It also supports emotional growth.
  4. Enhances Creativity and Imagination: Montessori education values creativity. Your child will have the freedom to explore and express their imagination in a supportive environment.
  5. Fosters a Love of Learning: The Montessori approach makes learning enjoyable. Your child will develop a lifelong love for learning, which is crucial for their future success.
  6. Develop Fine Motor Skills: Montessori activities at the best Montessori schools in Bangalore South are designed to improve fine motor skills. Your child will engage in tasks that enhance hand-eye coordination and precision.
  7. Supports Language Development: Language is a key focus in Montessori education. Your child will be exposed to rich vocabulary and opportunities for conversation, supporting their language development. 

Tips and Factors for Choosing the Best Montessori School in South Bangalore

Choosing the right school is a significant decision as it shapes your child’s future. Here are some tips and factors to consider when choosing a Montessori school for your child: 
  1. Location and Accessibility: The school should be conveniently located and easily accessible from your home or workplace. Consider the commute time and the safety of the route.
  2. School Facilities and Environment: Check if the school has a safe, clean, and stimulating environment. Look for well-equipped classrooms, outdoor play areas, and other facilities that support a Montessori education.
  3. Teachers and Staff Qualifications: Ensure the teachers are well-qualified and trained in the Montessori method. They should be passionate, patient, and capable of fostering a positive learning environment.
  4. Curriculum and Educational Approach: The school should follow a genuine Montessori curriculum that encourages self-directed learning, creativity, and critical thinking.
  5. Parent Involvement and Communication: Look for a school that values parent involvement and maintains open communication about your child’s progress.
  6. School Policies and Values: The school’s policies and values should align with your own. This includes their approach to discipline, diversity, inclusivity, and other important aspects.
  7. Admission Process and Age Criteria: Understand the admission process and the age criteria for enrollment. Some Montessori schools accept children as young as 2.5 years old. 

Why Choosing the Right International Montessori School in South Bangalore is Important

Quality Education: The nursery schools in Bangalore, such as CMR Gandhi Public School provide a high standard of education. The school follows the Montessori method, which is known for its focus on individual learning, creativity, and critical thinking. This ensures your child receives a quality education that caters to their unique learning style. Global Perspective: The best Montessori schools in Bangalore South expose your child to a diverse community of students from different cultures and backgrounds. This helps broaden your child’s perspective and understanding of the world. Holistic Development: The school emphasizes the holistic development of students. Besides academics, they focus on developing your child’s social, emotional, and physical skills. This ensures your child grows into a well-rounded individual. Preparation for Global Citizenship: Montessori schools prepare your child for global citizenship. They instill values like respect for diversity, empathy, and social responsibility. This prepares your child to navigate and contribute positively to the global community.  Nurtures Young Minds to Develop Safety Culture: Montessori schools like CMR GPS understand the importance of safety. They nurture young minds to develop a safe culture. This includes teaching students about personal safety, online safety, and the importance of maintaining a safe environment. This way, your child learns to prioritize safety from a young age, which is a valuable life skill. 


In conclusion, as a parent, choosing the right Montessori school for your child is a crucial decision. It sets the foundation for their educational journey. A nursery school that prioritizes individual learning pace, fosters creativity, and instills values of independence and critical thinking can greatly benefit your child's holistic development.  CMR Gandhi Public School stands out as one of the best Montessori schools in South Bangalore, offering a nurturing environment that focuses on safety, quality education, and global citizenship. Entrusting your child to CMR GPS ensures a well-rounded educational experience that promotes a lifelong love for learning and prepares them to thrive in an ever-changing world. Make the right choice for your child's future with us! 
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May 31, 2024 4 Mins

Why Marathahalli is Ideal for Primary Education: A Parent's Point of View
Do you worry about your child's education? If so, you have come to the right page. The importance of primary education is growing. We cannot overstate it. Early childhood creates the base for a child's mind. It also shapes their heart and social skills. The values help the child develop key abilities. These will be vital in school and later in life, as time is crucial. It's when kids fall in love with learning. They also develop critical thinking. They build the base. It is for the future. Marathahalli is a well-planned place. It has thriving communities. It is great for good education. It's the perfect place for parents. They want a good  primary education  for their kids in a safe place. Here, they can get a quality primary education for their children. And a great and developing place for good education.  If you want your kid to get a great primary education, Marathalli is the best place. The place empowers young minds.  We at CMR Gandhi Public School regularly take feedback from the student's parents. Here is why parents look for private primary schools near me (Marathahalli) for education.

Marathalli has excellent quality of Primary Education

Marathalli has the best primary education. This is due to a few driving factors:
  • The schools in Marathalli are well-known and popular. They have established reputations for excellence.
  • Focus on academic standards. These schools dedicate themselves to higher education.
  • These schools emphasize student development. They focus on academics. They also focus on the growth of students.
Here, you get:
  • Skilled teachers
  • Professional educators
  • Knowledgeable educators
  • Expertise and enthusiasm shared with students
  • It has a positive learning environment. 
The curriculum adopts modern teaching methods:
  • Uses technology and new teaching methods
  • Keeps students interested and excited
  • Based on interactivity
  • Serves students with various learning styles

Marathahalli Schools have high Security

Parents look for  best primary schools near me  for safety and security. The utmost priority for parents. The Marathahalli schools have:
  • The campus has CCTV cameras and regular patrols. Security personnel use the cameras. They also use patrols to stay watchful.
  • The policies restrict visitors. Staff screen visitors. Visitors can only go to designated areas.
  • Fences, gates, and locks stop unauthorized entry. They keep people out of the school. They are protection against unauthorized entry.
  • The schools have detailed emergency response plans. They will handle various emergencies well.
All these efforts make for a safe environment. Thus, students can learn without worrying.

Marathahalli has a safe learning environment

A safe learning environment is crucial. It is key for the growth of students. Here's why:
  • Security from danger is key. When students feel safe, they can focus better on their studies. They don't have to worry about their well-being all the time.
  • Safety makes students more comfortable. It also promotes their well-being. It improves their mental state.
  • The best learning happens there. They ask questions and explore new ideas. This leads to better learning.
  • Parents gain peace of mind and feel reassured. The school has strict safety rules.

Fostering Family-School Partnerships

Parents are the backbone of a child's education. They help them to build a strong foundation for their success. Marathahalli schools urge parents to join in. They get chances to contribute to:
  • Parents join the parent-teacher association. It is a platform for parents and teachers to collaborate. They can discuss about child's education. They can work together to fix any concerns.
  • Parents can volunteer for school activities. They can also volunteer for events. This allows them to join in with the school community. It also allows them to support its initiatives.
  • Excellent lines of communication between parents, teachers, and administrators. This helps parents stay informed. They learn about their child's progress. They can provide needed support at home and in the classroom.
Primary schools in Marathahalli Bangalore also build strong ties. They build them with the local community. This is also due to parental involvement. They seek support from:
  • Local businesses help students. They provide resources or sponsor events.
  • Non-profits or community groups partner with schools. They run programs to improve education.
  • Residents can take part. They may offer their expertise or time to help with projects.
Parents, community members, and schools work together. They create a harmonious environment. Every child can thrive there. It creates a sense of belonging. 

Marathahalli schools offer affordable Education

Affordable primary education is available in Marathahalli. It's a top priority to give all families access to quality education. Tuition fees vary from one school to another. But, it also has many options for people of different incomes. Some schools may have higher tuition fees. This is due to factors like roads, buildings, and extra services. But, they do not sacrifice educational standards. Marathahalli primary schools offer scholarships. It also offers aid and payment plans. It helps families who can't afford education. The programs aim to teach children. Marathahalli offers multiple options for families. The options fit different budgets. This ensures that all children get an education as every student has the right to get an education. Marathahalli roads have good connectivity and accessibility Parents care about public primary schools near me. Marathahalli makes it easy for parents to get their kids to school. The school is in a great place with good transport. So, parents can commute to the school. They won't face long distances or traffic. This saves time. It helps families balance work, home, and school. The roads are well connected to schools and school buses are available for pick up and drop. Anyhow, Marathahalli has many such primary schools and each is excellent in providing education. As it has good connectivity throughout. 


Marathahalli has a unique atmosphere of opportunity. Here, children not only excel in school but also thrive. People know Marathahalli for its good education. It is also known for safety and community involvement. It is also known for affordable education and is easy to get into such schools. If you are looking for such schools, you can let your child have an education at  CMR Gandhi Public School.  We will help your child get an excellent education and have a bright future. Worry not, we will help you.   
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April 11, 2024 4 Mins

Make Summer Unforgettable: Fun Activities to Keep Kids Engaged!
A new session, a new quarter, has begun! As we slide our way into summer, aren’t we excited about the summer break? They’re special for families as we get to relax & rejuvenate through a plethora of activities (like summer camps, outstation trips, movie nights, etc.), and create memories that last a lifetime. Summer activities for kids offer a platform for pursuing new interests, passions, discoveries, and endless possibilities. But wait! Did you know?  “Child development researches indicates that children may experience academic loss due to gaps in learning over long school breaks—a phenomenon called SUMMER SLIDE.”  

The Challenges Of Summer!

A research group in New Zealand claims that students lose approximately 5.8 months of reading progress. Another study states this phenomenon is prominently observed in elementary classes, where students lost about 27% of their school year gain in mathematics & 20% in language subjects; highlighting the importance of facilitating fun learning outside school in an environment conducive to exploration and personal growth. Facilitating students’ transition from a structured school routine to unstructured days at home can be a major hurdle for parents, especially when the allure of passive leisure, screen time & free play may overshadow a fit lifestyle and the development of life skills. To prevent this, you can include hands-on experiments, levelled reading, structured playtime, outdoor exploration, and subject-related activities as a part of summer learning for children. When students are involved in DIY projects, fun science experiments, cooking activities and research-based projects over the summer, they remain connected to their academic subjects. Also, independently tackling a project develops a sense of autonomy and ownership. It also gives them the time and space to research information and creatively present it the way they like.  

Summer Break Highlights The Need For Holistic Learning

Holistic education: a recent trend, invokes all five senses of children to nurture physical, mental, socio-emotional & intellectual skills, thus, promoting their overall growth, awareness, and well-being. This approach is based on experiential learning, which integrates school subjects with real-life experiences through activities, puzzles, projects, social interactions, higher-order thinking cues, etc. The best schools in Bangalore have already incorporated it as a part of their curriculum; CMR Gandhi Public School is one of them. At CMR Gandhi Public School, learning isn't just restricted to lectures and written work but also includes a range of enrichment activities, specialised programmes and school clubs, which are thoughtfully designed to encourage students' competencies and thinking abilities beyond traditional classrooms. Through Nrityan, Dhwani & Daastan, students develop proficiency in music, dance, theatre, etc., while Number Ninjas & Scribblers Society supports expertise in academic subjects. Compassion Crew builds essential values (like gratitude, empathy, care, etc.) through community-building projects, while Future leaders of India cultivates thought leadership to help students survive the unimaginable challenges of the future. The school also implements age-appropriate active summer programs and ‘homefun activities’ for the stimulation of all age groups. Did that make you curious? Visit our website to learn more about our holistic learning programmes. 

Tips From CMR GPS Experts - Engaging Summer Activities For Kids Of Different Age Groups

Our experts at CMR Gandhi Public School have compiled a list of engaging activities so that students of different age groups can have fun learning outside school, while staying in touch with their subjects.
  • Pre-schoolers

Our experts advocate sensory exploration in the playground for pre-schoolers- the youngest learners! Sand play, water activities, nature exploration, etc. help them connect with nature, stimulating their curiosity and developing a sense of appreciation for the world. Students can also take part in arts & crafts projects (thumb printing, vegetable printing, mandala colouring, etc. which develop an eco-conscious mindset.
  • Elementary Graders

Elementary students (especially grades 2 and above) thrive on role plays, social interactions, and group projects that build camaraderie. For instance, backyard games, history or nature-themed scavenger hunts, fireless baking, gardening, book reviewing, building a family tree, etc. are great options when it comes to summer learning for children. They not only promote critical life skills (like collaboration, communication, comprehension, etc., but also teach them responsibility and valuable lessons in sustainability.
  • Middle School Learners

The middle school years include self-discovery, exploration, and developing a sense of civic duty. They’re formative years for higher education. Involving kids in volunteer projects, theatre, creative writing, scrapbooking, or learning a new outdoor skill, like skating, badminton, wall climbing, track & field, etc. gives them the confidence to conquer new challenges. If you’re planning to take kids on an outstation trip, why not engage them in travel blogging, travelogue writing or scrapbooking to keep the creative juices flowing?
  • Play-based Activities For All Age Groups

Play-based activities help children attain their developmental milestones sooner. STEM projects (like LEGO, coding, making cars and working models), role play, skits or Nukkad Nataks, sculpture, pottery, jewelry making, Origami, etc., are some examples of fun summer activities for kids. They allow children to exercise collaboration, decision making, problem-solving, etc. With time, children learn to express themselves artistically and collaborate with different age groups to overcome challenge. Even swimming, team games (like basketball, soccer, cricket), and adventure sports like camping, rock climbing, rope jumping, paragliding, etc. are important to keep the adrenaline pumping. They keep you fit and flexible!

Precautionary Measures

If you’re planning to make this summer an outdoor adventure, make sure that you and the kids follow basic precautions while venturing outside.
  • Stay hydrated either by drinking water or eating water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumber, etc.
  • Wear loose, sweat-absorbent, light coloured, and comfortable clothes.
  • Wear sunscreen if you’re planning to hit the beach or stadium during the day.
  • Avoid strenuous activities during hottest hours of the day to stay clear from heat strokes and summer exhaustion.
So, make the summer of 2024 worth remembering by balancing academics with fun. You can use this time to nurture creativity, physical wellbeing and curiosity of children by fostering a love for learning outside school. Want more tips & tricks related to child engagement? Do check out our blog!
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April 11, 2024 4 Mins

Early Education: Building the Foundation for Your Child's Success

Laying the Groundwork 

Early education, such as Kindergarten or Montessori learning for toddlers, plays a crucial role in cognitive expansion, motor development, and socio-emotional well-being. Since it lays a strong foundation on which children rely throughout their lifetime, having an intelligent yet holistic approach to building this foundation brick by brick is what some of the best preschools in Bangalore do. The following articles explore the impacts of early childhood education on children and share some of CMR Gandhi Public Schools' approaches and benefits of early childhood curricula that prepare young learners with special and foundational skills for success.

Benefits of Early Education

  • Cognitive Development:

Children are born with an innate curiosity, which makes them highly receptive to learning. Parents can observe this in children's ability to grasp languages at a young age with remarkable ease. Preschools, therefore, play an essential part in nurturing and enhancing this cognitive skill by providing a structured environment where children explore, discover, communicate, and make sense of the world around them.  At CMR Gandhi Public School, young ones play outdoors, take short excursions, engage in arts and crafts, games (puzzles, colour sorting, recognising shapes, matching items/pictures), dance and sing, and much more. Through these engaging activities and interactive experiences, our early education programs stimulate cognitive growth, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning and expansive intellect.
  • Social and Emotional Development

Early childhood education is essential for a child's holistic development. It provides an opportunity for them to learn social-emotional skills such as empathy, acceptance, and conflict resolution, all while having fun through various playful activities. Our educators are chosen wisely because they are exceptional storytellers and performers who use their skills to engage and inspire their students. This creates a sense of belongingness or community among children, allowing them to adopt positive responses such as classroom discipline, appreciation towards others and compassion for everyone.  Often, our teachers prioritise open communication by actively listening to our students. Since children learn primarily by observing the behaviour of adults, they usually mirror this behaviour in their interactions with classmates and other people. This approach has resulted in an improvement in the quality of friendships and relationships between parents and children.
  • Language and Communication Skills

Children develop language and communication skills early on in their schooling. Early education programs employ various resources, strategies, and techniques to incorporate the best approaches to promote language skills in youngsters naturally.  Educators understand that children learn language and concepts through assimilation, which involves fitting new ideas into what they already know, and accommodation, which includes changing existing ideas to accommodate entirely new ones. To foster language fluency and communication skills in children, educators often utilise storytelling to engage their imagination, expand their vocabulary, and teach rhymes and songs to improve their understanding of the sounds of language. Additionally, storytelling provides numerous opportunities for conversation and dialogue, further encouraging the development of these essential skills. Additionally, visual aids, like pictures, flashcards, objects and picture books, are used in classrooms to help children recall and reassess their language learning and comprehension. We at CMR Gandhi Public School create creative language learning environments through these approaches. 
  • Passion for Education

Schools passionate about children's education ( physiological and psychological) create a contagious atmosphere of enthusiasm. Staff, educators, and other facilitators come together to create a natural atmosphere and warmth for children, igniting a spark and fueling their passion for learning.  We have noticed that the preschool experience has shaped children's mindset towards education. It allows them to see learning from a playful space and see schooling as an opportunity for fun and adventure. Our educators ensure that children communicate their ideas and thoughts through words or pictures and help them learn to love and appreciate one another while harmoniously engaging in developing essential skills like curiosity, adaptability and flexibility. When these experiences come from a place of care, love, passion and intention, children learn to reflect these attitudes daily.  Young ones are naturally motivated to explore, discover, and make sense of the world, which they initially do by mirroring their parents and the surroundings in which they live. Schools are one of those crucial spaces to nurture their positives and challenges while capturing their interests and passions by cultivating a love of learning. Considering this, we have handpicked our staff and infrastructure to facilitate the healthiest atmosphere for every child's growth. 

Formal Early Education Options

Formal early education programs include various options tailored to meet the diverse needs of young children. Preschools (Kindergarten or Montessori) focus on systematic learning activities and provide many socialisation opportunities, preparing children to transition to elementary school effortlessly. At the same time, daycare centres deliver complete care and foundational early education, which helps children become a part of a nurturing environment while their parents work. Playgroups facilitate interactive play and learning experiences in a less structured setting, promoting socialisation and early skill development through guided activities and free play.

Early Learning at Home

Early learning at home, also known as homeschooling, significantly impacts a child's growth. It has also been chosen as one of the best methods for many children whose intellect is quite advanced or comparatively low.  Henceforth, parents become caregivers and educators, creating a steady and creative space for little ones' growth. Based on the parents' time management and children's level of curiosity, activities can include almost everything from reading, speaking, drawing, writing, imaginative play, and exploring objects and nature around time, all promisingly expanding their understanding of self and the other.  Since there is no chance for children to develop socially because the classroom is not full of children from other places, backgrounds or ethnicities, parents may have to incorporate more meetups and take them to places where there is enough opportunity to socialise and learn from their peers. In many such innovative ways, parents, through homeschooling, encourage and empower this kid to thrive academically, socially and psychologically from an early age simply by creating a supportive and enriching home environment. 


In conclusion, no matter what kind of early learning methods children are introduced to, the space they are part of becomes foundational when it is intentional and full of playful opportunities to learn playfully. This lays a solid groundwork for their academic success and social and emotional growth while flexibly turning into lifelong learners.  Investing in quality early education is an initial step that allows children to grow as all-around individuals and reach their full potential. Schools are the best places to provide children with essential tools and resources, and one such remarkable CBSE School in Bangalore is CMR Gandhi Public School. Here, we give importance to early education and ensure every child has the proper recognition to thrive.  As a community, let us join hands to build a bright future for our children. Come and be a part of our preschool program. Visit us to look at our lovingly designed school campus and meet with our most qualified educators.
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March 21, 2024 4 Mins

The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) & How to Teach It


In today's сomрlex world, students need more than just strong academic skills to thrive. While math, sсienсe, and language literaсy provide critical knowledge, students also require key personal, interрersonal, and decision-making capabilities. Enter soсial-emotional learning(SEL), an aррroaсh that сultivates these сritiсal life skills alongside aсademiс learning. This article exрlores the significance of soсial-emotional learning(SEL) alongside traditional aсademiсs and рrovides рraсtiсal insights into inсorрorating SEL into the сurriсulum.

Cultivating the Whole Child

Knowing that aсademiс exсellenсe alone is insufficient, eduсators are increasingly reсognizing the importance of nurturing social and emotional skills in students. For instance, a student might exсel in mathematiсs but struggle with teamwork, undersсoring the need for a balanсed aррroaсh to education.

Imрortanсe of Soсial-Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL enсomрasses сore сomрetenсies suсh as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. These soft skills development are fundamental for students to navigate various life situations effectively.

Benefits of SEL

Research shows that SEL benefits students in numerous ways:
  • Imрroved aсademiс рerformanсe:
When students learn about their feelings and how to work well with others, they do better in school. They can focus more on their studies and understand things better.
  • Positive relationships:
SEL helps students get along with others. They learn how to listen and talk to their friends and classmates kindly. This makes sсhool a haррier рlaсe for everyone.
  • Mental well-being:
Understanding their emotions helps students feel better inside. They learn how to manage their feelings when things get tough. This makes them feel happier and more confident.
  • Better сareer readiness:
Learning soft skills like teamwork and problem-solving helps students prepare for jobs in the future. When they know how to work well with others and solve problems, they can do well in any job they choose. Essentially, SEL strengthens both cognitive and holistic student development for flourishing lives. By doing emрathy activities for kids that help them understand others' feelings, students learn to be kind and caring. This makes our school a better place for everyone.

Why Traditional Sсhooling Often Doesn't Get It Right

Unfortunately, with immense сurriсular demands and standardized testing рressures, many schools focus narrowly on сontent knowledge and analytiсal intelligence. Social, emotional, and ethical faсets of learning get negleсted or marginalised.   Consequently, students often feel disengaged, struggle to manage emotions effectively, or interpret harmful behaviors like bullying without adequate SEL support. Suсh issues then enсumber aсademiс progress and personal growth simultaneously.

Consequenсes of Negleсting SEL

What happens when SEL remains missing in action? Several detrimental ramifiсations emerge, сomрromising student well-being:
  • Student Disengagement:
With little sense of сonneсtion, belonging, or emotional suррort, many students feel сhroniсally disengaged. Sсhool becomes energy-draining and anxiety-induсing rather than stimulating. Students seek esсaрe through dissoсiation, absenteeism, or droррing out entirely.
  • Diffiсulty Managing Emotions:
Without developing self and social awareness, students struggle to recognize and manage difficult emotions. Feelings get suррressed or find unhealthy outlets like substanсe abuse, eating disorders, aggression, or self-harm.  
  • Mental Health Issues:
Defiсits in relationship abilities, decision-making skills, handling adversity, and managing emotions often manifest later as full-blown mental health issues like deрression, adjustment struggles, and emotional dysregulation.
  • Bullying and Confliсts:
Students devoid of emрathy, ethics, сooрeration, and сommuniсation training frequently demonstrate bullying, disresрeсt, intimidation, harassment, or violenсe against marginalized рeers. Confliсt resolution skills remain underdeveloрed. As these detrimental consequences aссumulate, the limitations of aсademiсs-only aррroaсhes become evident. Integrating SEL into education becomes imрerative for schools to fulfill their roles of nurturing children holistically.

Building a Foundation: The 5 Core Comрetenсies of SEL

The Collaborative for Academic, Soсial and Emotional Learning (CASEL) identifies five interrelated SEL сomрetenсies:
  • Self-Awareness:
Students learn reсognising emotions, identify strengths and weaknesses, сultivating self-confidence, and understand how thoughts, feelings, and aсtions interact. Praсtiсes like journaling, self-assessments, and mindfulness build self-awareness.  
  • Self-Management:
This entails effectively handling stress, сontrolling imрulses, setting goals, рersevering through obstaсles, and taking responsibility for one's рerformanсe or behavior. Strategies include emotional regulation techniques, organization skills, and growth mindset training.
  • Soсial Awareness:
Students develop emрathy, respect for diverse views, and awareness of suррort resources by understanding social issues, aррreсiating different experiences, and engaging ethical рersрeсtives. Role-рlaying activities, multicultural literature studies, and community involvement foster social awareness.
  • Relationshiр Skills:
Communiсation, сooрeration, relationshiр-building, and сonfliсt resolution get strengthened through SEL relationshiр-сentered methods. Grouр рrojeсts, рeer mediation training, and interсultural сollaborative learning сultivate these relationshiр abilities.  
  • Resрonsible Deсision-Making:
SEL enhanсes resрonsible deсision-making by sharрening рroblem-solving, сritiсal thinking, ethiсal reasoning, evaluating сonsequenсes, and well-being сonsiderations. Case study analyses, сhoiсe maррing, рrojeсt рlanning teaсh suсh deсision-making.

Integrating SEL Aсross the Curriсulum: Making it Praсtiсal

While exрliсit SEL instruсtion has merits, embedding soсial-emotional development within everyday teaсhing amрlifies its imрaсt exрonentially.
  • Language Arts:
In language arts, SEL integration сenters around exрloring emotions and motivations through character analysis and narrative activities. Creative writing рromрts can further enhance SEL by encouraging students to exрress their own emotions and рersрeсtives through storytelling. By engaging with literature and language in this way, students not only hone their literaсy skills but also deeрen their understanding of themselves and others, fostering greater emрathy and emotional intelligence.
  • Sсienсe:
In sсienсe eduсation, SEL integration oссurs through сollaboration in exрeriments and ethical deсision-making in researсh рraсtiсes. Sсienсe рrovides amрle opportunities for students to work together in laboratory settings, сonduсting exрeriments, and analyzing data as a team. Through these сollaborative endeavors, students learn to сommuniсate effectively, share responsibilities, and resрeсt diverse рersрeсtives. Additionally, ethical decision-making plays a сruсial role in sсientifiс inquiry, as students must consider the impact of their research рraсtiсes on both the environment and society.
  • Soсial Studies:
In social studies, SEL integration foсuses on understanding diverse рersрeсtives through historiсal simulations and promoting social awareness. Through role-рlaying activities and historiсal simulations, students steр into the shoes of individuals from different time periods and cultures, gaining insights into their experiences and views. These immersive learning experiences foster emрathy and help students develop a greater aррreсiation for diversity and inсlusivity. Additionally, the social studies curriculum often addresses сontemрorary social issues, offering opportunities for students to explore сomрlex toрiсs and develop сritiсal thinking skills. Beyond standalone lessons, teaсhers сan inсorрorate SEL relationshiр-building by ensuring resрeсtful, trusting сlassrooms where students feel safe, valued, and emрowered to take risks without fear of embarrassment or marginalisation.


Soсial-emotional сomрetenсies form сritiсal building bloсks for students to become engaged, emрathetiс and ethiсally grounded individuals. While SEL deserves dedicated сlassroom time, integrating its рrinсiрles holistiсally aсross subjeсts enriсhes educational exрerienсes remarkably. As Indian eduсationist Radhakant Bharati aрtly stated, "The highest eduсation is that whiсh does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence." SEL represents a monumental level towards this vision of harmony between intelleсtual and soсial-emotional learning for fully nourished development. As eduсators, рarents, and community members, it is our сolleсtive responsibility to рrioritize the integration of SEL into the educational framework. By embraсing SEL, we not only nurture the aсademiс suссess of our students but also рreрare them to lead fulfilling, рurрose-driven lives сharaсterized by resilienсe, emрathy, and integrity. Let us seize this opportunity to рrioritise the holistiс development of our students, reсognizing that true suссess enсomрasses not only aсademiс aсhievement but also student well-being and social сomрetenсe. Together, let us embark on this journey towards creating a nurturing and inсlusive learning environment where every student at CMR Gandhi Publiс Sсhool, one of the best CBSE Sсhools in Bangalore, can flourish and realize their full potential.
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March 21, 2024 4 Mins

The Ultimate Guide to Free Online Tools & Apps for Teachers & Students (2024)
Education is evolving, and technology is playing a vital role in this transformation. As we enter 2024, online tools and apps are incredibly important in classrooms. They empower both teachers and students. It helps to bridge gaps, increase engagement, and create interactive learning experiences. These online education tools offer a range of benefits, including easy communication and customizable lesson planning.  In this blog, we will explore the top 10 online teaching tools that are revolutionizing education in the digital era. Whether you're a teacher, student, or parent, this blog is for you. 

Tools and Applications for Teachers

Classroom Management and Communication

1. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a useful tool for teachers to manage classes. It's free on Google Play and integrates all G-Suite apps (Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Draw). With this app, you can create assignments and announcements for your classes without any hassle. You can attach worksheets, slides, or web links to make learning more engaging and interactive.

2. Class Dojo

This is a classroom behavior management reward system app. With Class Dojo, you can give students points for good or even create your own goals for specific behaviors. It's perfect for engaging students with their monster avatars while building a positive classroom environment. 

3. Remind

It is another helpful communication app for teachers that simplifies communication with parents and students. You can send messages, announcements, and reminders without giving out your personal contact info. It helps you communicate better and share important information with your students and their families. 

4. Schoology

It is a web-based Learning Management System (LMS) that brings everything together. It provides a centralized platform for messaging, calendars, learning support, advising, and tutoring. With Schoology, you can keep all school-related messaging in one place. 

Creating Engaging Content

1. Kahoot

This is one of our favorite teacher resource apps to create interactive quizzes. Students can answer questions on their devices while leaderboards are displayed in the classroom. As a teacher, you can join the quiz from your own device, encouraging a high level of interaction as students compete to beat you. 

2. iSpring Free

iSpring Free is a great online tool for teachers. It can transform your boring PowerPoint presentations into interactive courses with quizzes. It's really easy to use, even if you're new to creating courses. It also works on mobile devices, so your students can access the courses from anywhere. Most schools like CMR Gandhi Public School embrace this tool to create engaging content for a better learning experience. 

3. Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle allows you to create exciting lessons that your students will enjoy. You can embed audio notes, quizzes, and assessments to make the material interactive and engaging. Plus, with its analytics tool, you can track how your students are watching your videos and their level of comprehension, making it an ideal tool for online classes. 

Assessment and Feedback

1. Quizlet

It is a fantastic tool that you can use to create engaging assessments and provide feedback to your students. It offers ways to create quizzes and tests that go beyond traditional formats, using flashcards, games, and other interactive study materials. This can make your student’s learning experience more engaging and collaborative.

2. Mentimeter

It is an online education tool to assess and provide feedback. It offers ready-made assessment templates like icebreakers, quizzes, and surveys. It's suitable for students of all ages and subjects. It has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for teachers and students to use. 

3. Seesaw

A seesaw is an online tool that facilitates communication and portfolio management. It allows teachers to create assignments and activities for students to complete in their own portfolios. Parents can also access the tool to review their child's work and provide comments. 

Top Tools and Apps for Students

Learning Resources and Practice

1. Khan Academy

It's an amazing learning resource and practice tool for students. Khan Academy offers a wide range of subjects like math, science, history, and more. It's completely free and your kids can learn at your own pace and even track their progress. 

2. Commonlit

Commonlit  is one of the popular e-learning platforms 2024 for students of grades 3 to 12. It offers engaging reading lessons and a complete ELA curriculum called CommonLit 360. The best part is that it's free and can be accessed on any device with the internet. It also provides features like text-to-speech, translation, and digital note-taking to cater to all learners. 

3. Duo Lingo

Duolingo is a great free language-learning app for students. It's fun, effective, and uses science-backed methods. With short lessons, you can earn points and unlock new levels while improving your communication skills. They also offer tools like Duolingo ABC for young readers and Duolingo Math for math lovers. 

Collaboration and Communication Tool

1. Google Drive 

Google Drive is a great tool for students and parents because it makes collaborating on assignments easy. You can work together on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets in real time. It's also free to use and accessible on any device with an internet connection. The Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps allow for seamless collaboration and even let you edit Microsoft Office files. 

2. Padlets

Padlet is an easy collaboration tool for students. You can make boards with templates, keep things private, and connect with Google Classroom. Students can add text, audio, video, or images from any device. Plus, it is for free. 

Creativity and Organization Tools

1. Canva

It is an awesome E-learning platform that makes graphic design easy for everyone. You can create amazing graphics, presentations, and documents without needing fancy design skills. It has lots of templates and easy-to-use tools. It helps you unleash your creativity with its big library of visuals. 

2. MindMeister 

MindMeister is a great online education tool for students to boost creativity and organization skills. It's easy to use, with beautiful templates to create boards in one click. You can add text, audio, video, or images from any device. It integrates smoothly with Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. 

3. Evernote

Evernote is a popular online tool that helps students in organization and promotes creativity. It allows you to capture and store your ideas, class notes, and project inspirations on various devices. With the ability to create virtual notebooks and easily tag, annotate, and search notes, Evernote enhances organization. Furthermore, it facilitates seamless collaboration with classmates, offering real-time editing and task assignments. 


In conclusion, online education tools are really important for both students and teachers to have a better learning experience. Tools like Google Classroom, Class Dojo, and Kahoot make teaching easier and fun for teachers. They also make learning more engaging for students. Tools like Khan Academy, Commonlit, padlets, and Google Docs help students learn in a fast-paced world. Many schools are now incorporating technology to create dynamic and captivating educational environments.  If you're looking for the best school in Sarjapur Road that integrates technology seamlessly into the curriculum, CMR Gandhi Public School is a great choice. We understand the need for digitalization in education and have adopted all the latest educational technology trends to provide a holistic approach for our students. Contact us now to Apply!
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February 22, 2024 4 Mins

How to Support Your Child or Student During Exam Season: Tips for Parents and Teachers
Are your children or students facing exam stress? Wondering how to help students during exams? Exam stress is a major barrier to a student's performance, particularly in a country like India. Studies have shown that fear of examination, intense pressure from parents and schools, and the overwhelming competition for college admissions contribute to high levels of anxiety and stress among students. This stress not only affects their mental health but can also lead to an increase in the rates of suicide among youths aged 15 to 29 Keep reading to find out how managing exam stress is crucial for parents and teachers to support their students.

Causes and Signs of Exam Stress

The Indian educational context, particularly the importance placed on class XII board exams and entrance exams for higher education, significantly contributes to this stress.  The fear of not living up to expectations can lead to anxiety, depression, and even more dire outcomes.

Common Causes of Exam Stress:

Pressure and Expectations: The immense pressure from parents and teachers to excel in exams creates a fear of failure and anxiety among students. Anxiety: The fear of not meeting expectations or not securing admission to a preferred college can lead to severe anxiety. Lack of Sleep and Poor Diet: The rigorous study schedules often result in a lack of proper sleep and poor dietary habits, further exacerbating stress levels.

Signs of Exam Stress:

Emotional Changes: Increased irritability, mood swings, and feelings of hopelessness are common signs of exam stress. Physical Symptoms: Headaches, stomach issues, and changes in sleep patterns can indicate stress. Behavioral Changes: Procrastination, withdrawal from social activities, and changes in eating habits are signs that a student might be experiencing exam stress. Incorporating study tips for exams that cater to individual learning styles can help students prepare more effectively and manage their time well.

Tips for Parents During Exam Season

Exam season is a challenging time for both students and their families. Here are practical tips for parents to help their children manage this stressful period: Creating a Peaceful Environment: A quiet study space free from distractions is essential. Ensure your child's study area is well-ventilated, properly lit, and equipped with the necessary stationery. Setting Realistic Goals: Work with your child to set achievable targets. Regularly review and adjust their study plan to accommodate both challenging subjects and relaxation time. Encouraging and Motivating: Words of encouragement and support go a long way. Show interest in their studies and let them know you believe in their abilities. Ensuring Nutritious Food: Good nutrition is crucial. Encourage healthy eating habits to maintain high energy levels and concentration. Promoting Adequate Sleep: A good night's sleep is essential for your child to remain alert and calm during their exams. Ensure they have a regular sleep schedule. Limiting Distractions: Minimise distractions at home and encourage limited use of digital devices and social media to focus better on studies.

Tips for Teachers During Exam Season

Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students through their exam preparations. Here are some effective exam preparation tips for students: Clarifying the Exam Format and Expectations: Make sure students clearly understand what is expected of them in exams. This reduces anxiety and helps in focused preparation. Reviewing the Syllabus and Key Concepts: Regularly review important topics and concepts, ensuring students are well-versed in what they need to know for the exams. Providing Feedback and Guidance: Offer constructive feedback on their work and guide them on how to improve. Personalised feedback can significantly enhance a student's understanding and performance. Encouraging Group Study and Discussion: Promote group study sessions or discussions. This can help students learn from each other and clarify doubts in a collaborative environment. Facilitating Time Management Skills: Teach students how to effectively manage their study time. This includes breaking down revision into manageable parts and prioritizing topics based on their importance and difficulty level.

Study Tips for Exams

Helping child during exams involves more than just providing the right study environment, it's about assisting them with the strategies to study effectively. Here are some tips that can make a significant difference:
  • Time management is crucial. Encourage your child to create a study timetable that allocates enough time for each subject, factoring in breaks and review sessions.
  • Active engagement with the material, such as quizzing themselves on the topics, and reviewing the content over spaced intervals can enhance retention.
  • Practicing with past exam papers can help students familiarize themselves with the exam format and time constraints.
  • A well-organized, quiet, and comfortable study area can enhance concentration and efficiency.
  • Teaching the material to someone else is a powerful method to reinforce learning and identify areas that need more work.
  • Collaborative study sessions can provide mutual support, clarify doubts, and make studying more engaging.
  • Short, frequent breaks during study sessions can prevent burnout and improve overall productivity.
  • Nutritious foods like fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt, and blueberries can boost concentration and memory.

How to Manage Exam Stress

Managing exam stress is crucial for maintaining the child's mental and physical well-being. Here are effective strategies:
  • Simple deep breathing techniques can help calm nerves and reduce stress.
  • Regular meditation can improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being.
  • Encourage your child to engage in physical activities, as exercise can alleviate stress and improve mood.
  • Techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or yoga can help release tension and promote relaxation.
  • Ensuring your child gets enough sleep is vital for stress management and cognitive function.
  • Effective time management can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by breaking down tasks into manageable parts.

Final Thoughts 

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – W.B. Yeats. Following these studies and stress management tips can light the fire of curiosity in students, parents, and teachers. For those in the Bangalore area looking for an educational institution that supports and cultivates these values, CMR Gandhi Public School stands as a symbol.  Recognised among the premier CBSE schools in Bangalore, it offers a nurturing environment for academic excellence and personal growth. Visit CMR Gandhi Public School to discover a community committed to empowering the next generation of learners and leaders.
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February 22, 2024 4 Mins

Unique Features of CMR Gandhi's Educational Approach
In this fast-paced world, your child needs a special school where they learn more than just academics. A place where their minds and hearts are nourished, where they become superheroes of intellect, emotions, social skills, and physical prowess. As the best CBSE School in Bangalore, we aim to offer students a holistic learning experience that goes beyond conventional limits. At CMR GPS, we foster the growth of young minds by combining exceptional academics, technology, sports, arts, and conceptual learning.  Surrounded by several techno parks at Sarjapur - Marathahalli Road, Bangalore, CMR GPS offers education across various stages. These stages include Play Group, Montessori (Pre-Nursery to UKG), Primary (Grades 1 to 5), Middle School (Grades 6 to 8), and High School (Grades 9 & and 10). In this blog, let’s delve into the Unique Features of CMR Gandhi Public School Educational Approach. Step into the world of CMR Gandhi Public School, where education has no limits, where imagination runs wild, and where every student is a rising star. As the best CBSE School in Bangalore, we are on a mission to provide students with a holistic learning experience that transcends traditional boundaries. At CMR GPS, we nurture young minds through a fusion of stellar academics, technology, sports, and arts.  CMR Gandhi Public School aims to inspire and empower students to become confident, visionary leaders of the world, and armed with 21st-century skills. In this blog, let’s delve into the Unique Features of CMR Gandhi's Educational Approach. 

CMR Gandhi’s Educational Approach

  1. Holistic Education: At CMR GPS, we believe in providing a holistic education that caters to the overall growth of our students. We aim to nurture their intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and creative abilities. By doing so, we help them become well-rounded individuals who are equipped to face the challenges of the world.
  2. Activity-based Learning: We promote activity-based learning to enhance student engagement. Through hands-on activities, students actively participate in the learning process, making it more interactive and enjoyable. This approach not only enhances their understanding but also develops practical skills and critical thinking abilities.
  3. Experiential Learning: Experiential Learning means that students get to learn by doing things instead of just reading about them. Our school lets students go out into the world and try things like community service, or research projects. This helps students learn how to solve real problems and apply what they've learned in class.
  4. Student-centered Approach: As one of the top CBSE Schools in Bangalore, we focus on each student's unique needs, interests, and abilities. This means that students have a say in what and how they learn. For example, students might have the option to choose from a variety of elective courses or participate in projects that align with their interests and talents. This allows for personalized and meaningful learning experiences.
  5. Inquiry-based Learning: This means that students are encouraged to ask questions and think critically about what they learn. They explore concepts and find answers on their own, which helps to develop their curiosity and problem-solving skills.
  6. Interdisciplinary Learning: At CMR Gandhi Public School Curriculum, different subjects and disciplines are combined to help students understand concepts better. This approach encourages students to make connections between different subjects, which helps them gain a deeper understanding of complex issues.
  7. Technology Integration: Technology is seamlessly incorporated into the learning process. This enables students to build digital literacy skills and access a vast array of educational resources. By embracing technology, the school aims to enhance the learning experience and equip students for the digital world.
  8. Co-curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities: CMR GPS provides a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. These include sports, arts, music, dance, and drama. These activities allow students to explore their interests and talents outside of the academic curriculum.
  9. Individualized Attention: CMR Gandhi Public School values individualized attention for every student. We take the time to understand each student's strengths and weaknesses. This allows us to provide personalized support and guidance, ensuring that each student receives the help they need to succeed.
  10. Skill Development: At CMR Gandhi Public School, our focus is on the overall development of student’s skills. We nurture academic, cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. This holistic approach ensures that students have a well-rounded skill set to succeed in their future pursuits.

Unique Features of CMR Gandhi Public School

  Experienced Mentors: The school has a team of highly qualified and experienced mentors. They provide personalized guidance and support to students, aiding in their academic and personal development. Digital Literacy: Recognizing the importance of digital literacy, CMR GPS offers students access to digital resources and integrates technology into the curriculum. It enhances learning and critical thinking skills. Lab Facilities: The school provides well-equipped labs for subjects like science, computer science, and mathematics. It encourages hands-on learning experiences and practical application of theoretical concepts. Student Safety Measures: Ensuring a safe environment for students is a top priority. With strict visitor protocols, surveillance monitoring, and regular safety drills in place, we protect the well-being of everyone on campus. 

  • Experienced Mentors
At CMR GPS, we have experienced mentors who provide guidance and support to students in their academic and personal growth. Our mentors have a deep understanding of the student's needs and provide individualized attention to help them achieve their full potential.  
  • Digital Literacy
At CMR Gandhi Public School, we understand the importance of digital literacy. We make sure our students develop the skills they need to succeed in the digital world. We provide access to digital resources like educational software and online libraries. We also teach students how to use digital tools like word processors and spreadsheets. Technology is integrated into our curriculum to engage students and promote critical thinking.  
  • Lab Facilities
We have well-equipped labs for various subjects, including science, computer science, and Mathematics. These labs serve as creative spaces for students to engage in hands-on learning experiences. In science labs, students can conduct experiments, make observations, and develop scientific reasoning skills. Computer science labs provide opportunities for students to enhance their computer skills and explore various software applications. Maths labs focus on improving student’s mathematic and problem-solving skills. The use of lab facilities promotes experiential learning, fosters curiosity, and enhances understanding through the practical application of theoretical concepts.  
  • Student Safety Measures
At our school, the safety of our students is our top priority. We have super strict rules for visitors, so only those with proper authorization can enter. When it's time to come in or leave, there are set procedures that everyone must follow. We also keep a watchful eye on our surveillance cameras, making sure everyone is safe. And we practice safety drills regularly, so everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.   Conclusion As we conclude our exploration of the unique features of CMR Gandhi Public School in Bangalore, it is evident that our educational approach sets us apart. We strive for holistic development, activity-based and inquiry-based learning, seamless integration of technology, and more. Moreover, our commitment to providing individualized attention ensures that every student's needs are met, fostering growth and success.  At CMR Gandhi, we are dedicated to cultivating a learning environment that empowers students to become well-rounded individuals, equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in an ever-evolving world.  So, if you are a parent and looking for the best CBSE schools in Bangalore for your child, you should definitely consider CMR Gandhi Public School. Join CMR GPS and experience education excellence and secure your child’s future!
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February 05, 2024 4 Mins

What are the Benefits of Studying CBSE School in India

Why are more and more students in India opting for CBSE schools? What are the benefits of studying in CBSE schools, and how does this curriculum stand out? The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is not just another educational board in India, it represents a comprehensive and versatile educational approach. This national-level board has seen impressive growth in recent years, with a 25% increase in the number of affiliated schools since 2018, totaling 28,997 in 2023. Such growth indicates a growing trust and preference for the CBSE curriculum across the nation. One of the common advantages of CBSE over other curricula is its pan-India presence and recognition, which makes it a preferred choice for families that relocate often within the country. Additionally, data shows that students from CBSE schools in India have a distinct advantage in national-level examinations like the JEE Main and Advanced. Despite accounting for only 11% of the total number of schools offering senior-secondary education, CBSE students make up a disproportionately high 59% of those successful in these exams. Moreover, CBSE's focus on holistic education and all-round development is evident in the increasing diversity of its student population. There has been a notable increase in female student enrollment, and the overall pass percentage of students in Class 10 exams jumped by 7.5 percentage points in 2021 compared to the previous year. This shows that the CBSE curriculum caters to academic excellence and promotes inclusive education.  

Benefits of CBSE Curriculum

The CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) curriculum offers a range of benefits, making it a popular choice among students and parents in India. Here's an overview of the key advantages:
  • Strong Academic Focus: CBSE schools in Bangalore, like many across India, demonstrate strong academic performance. For instance, in the CBSE board results of 2023, the Bangalore region achieved a high pass percentage of 99.18%, indicating the strong academic focus of CBSE schools in this area.The CBSE curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in various subjects, ensuring that students gain comprehensive knowledge and skills. This focus on academics is a key reason for the popularity of CBSE schools among parents and students.
  • Holistic Development: CBSE doesn’t just emphasize academics; it also focuses on the holistic development of students. This includes extracurricular activities, sports, and other areas that contribute to the overall growth and personality development of students.This balanced approach ensures that students from CBSE schools are well-rounded individuals prepared for different aspects of life.
  • Preparation for Competitive Exams: CBSE schools near Sarjapur Road and other prominent areas provide an excellent foundation for competitive exams. The curriculum is aligned with the requirements of various entrance exams, giving students from these schools an advantage in competitive scenarios.The CBSE syllabus is closely related to the content of major competitive exams like the JEE and NEET, making it easier for students to prepare for these tests.
  • Transferability of Credits: One of the biggest advantages of the CBSE curriculum is its uniformity across the country. This makes it easier for families that move often to transfer their children’s credits from one school to another without any loss in academic progression. This uniformity is particularly beneficial in a diverse and mobile society.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Environment: The CBSE curriculum and syllabus are designed to cater to a diverse student body. Schools following the CBSE board, including those in Bangalore, are known for their inclusive environment that accommodates students from different backgrounds. This diversity enriches the learning experience, preparing students to function effectively in a global context.

Additional Benefits of Studying in CBSE Schools

  • Experienced Faculty: CBSE schools are known for their experienced and dedicated faculty, who play a crucial role in providing quality education. These educators use interactive and experiential teaching methods that go beyond textbooks, making learning more engaging and effective.Their expertise contributes significantly to students' academic success and understanding of complex concepts. The emphasis on experienced faculty in CBSE schools ensures that students receive a well-rounded education, preparing them for future academic and professional challenges.
  • Stress-free Environment: The CBSE curriculum promotes a stress-free learning environment through its Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) system. This approach assesses students' performance through various parameters, including assignments, projects, and exams.By reducing the emphasis on a single final exam, CCE helps create a more relaxed and conducive learning atmosphere. This system encourages students to focus on learning and understanding rather than rote memorization, leading to a more enjoyable and effective educational experience.
  • International Presence: CBSE schools have a significant international presence, with more than 20,000 schools spread across India and over 200 institutions abroad. This extensive network provides uniformity in education and eases the transition for students who need to relocate due to family or career requirements.The global reach of CBSE schools is beneficial for students who might pursue higher education or careers outside India, as the CBSE curriculum is recognized and respected worldwide.
  • Student-friendly Approach: The CBSE curriculum is known for its student-friendly approach, emphasizing conceptual learning and a flexible syllabus. This approach makes subjects easy to understand and learn, with practical sessions that provide realistic ideas and better comprehension of topics.Such an approach helps students define their future career paths without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Additionally, the curriculum values the growth of physical and logical skills, encouraging participation in various competitions and extracurricular activities.
This not only enhances academic learning but also promotes overall personality development. These additional benefits, including experienced faculty, a stress-free environment, an international presence, and a student-friendly approach, make CBSE schools, like the best CBSE schools in Bangalore and CMR Gandhi Public School, an excellent choice for quality education.  The CBSE curriculum's focus on holistic development and its adaptability to students' needs and interests contribute to its popularity and effectiveness in preparing students for a successful future.

Final Thoughts

It's no surprise that the best CBSE schools in Sarjapur, Bangalore, and others across the country are highly sought after by parents who prioritize quality education. At CMR Gandhi Public School, we understand the importance of this holistic educational approach and are committed to delivering excellence in all facets of schooling.  For those considering enrolling their children in a CBSE school, we encourage you to explore the options and consult with educational professionals to find the best fit for your child's needs and aspirations.  A CBSE education is an investment in a bright and well-rounded future.
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February 05, 2024 4 Mins

How to Choose the Best Preschool for Your Child in Sarjapur Road Bangalore


A preschool is an educational institute that offers early childhood education. They are also called play schools or nursery schools. These schools mainly concentrate on children between the ages of three and five. Preschools are either publicly owned or privately run. A preschool environment is very necessary for a child’s overall development and growth. As per reports access to early childhood years of education is very limited in India. Estimates from the NSO data reveal that only around 20% of children in the age group of 3–5 years attend preschool. However, parents are now more concerned about taking their children to preschool. However, finding the right preschool in Bangalore sometimes gets confusing as there are several factors such as safety, school environment, location, and more that need to be taken care of before admitting your child.

Factors to consider when choosing a preschool

  • Holistic Development: The best preschools in Sarjapur Road Bangalore focus on a holistic approach to the development of the child. The foundation and other curricular activities are designed in such a way that it takes care of a child’s intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and creative needs. They engage children in a fun manner either teaching basic lessons or inculcating other activities like music, arts, and sports.
  • Emphasis on life skills and Critical Thinking: A preschool is a place where a child can learn life skills in the process of playing with other kids, different group activities can help them with critical thinking and learning. Preschool children should be taught to manage their day-to-day activities by themselves, like using the washroom independently, having their tiffin by themselves, cleaning up the space, helping their friends, making them understand the difference between a good touch and a bad touch, etc. All these little steps lay a strong foundation for overall growth in children.

School environment

  • Safety and Security: Children are extremely vulnerable at the ages of 3 and 5, so parents need to look out for preschools that are highly safe, secure, and clean facilities. Preschools must have safety and security measures and guidelines. Children at this age are too young to differentiate between wrongs and rights; hence, strict rules would keep unethical and unsafe things at bay. CMR Gandhi Public School has facilities like CCTV cameras and full background checks on staff members are important parts that need to be added to good preschool guidelines. A hundred percent safety insurance from the school’s end is a must before choosing a preschool for your child.
  • Qualified and Experienced Teachers: A child’s needs other than safety and security is a good and experienced teacher, who is not just excellent in the teaching methods but also a kind and loving person. Because a child at this age needs much love and attention. If you are a parent and thinking about how to select a preschool for your child then consider these factors preschool teachers should have enough experience to handle every child with love, care, and attention. A skilled and passionate educator makes a difference. Preschools that have strict regulations for the hiring process of faculty would perform better than other preschools.
  • Parent-Teacher Involvement: A child’s progress report is to be shared and worked on with a parent and teacher together.  Preschools near Sarjapur Road Bangalore maintain strong communication with the parents to keep track of their daily activities. Parents should seek a preschool that encourages regular communication between the teacher and parents. There should be a regular meeting, workshop sessions with parents, and fun play activities with the children and parents participating together. This collaboration fosters a healthy relationship between parents and teachers, which is beneficial for the child’s progress.

 Other Factors to Consider

  • Location and Convenience: Preschool children are very young at this age and choosing a preschool near me in Sarjapur Road will be a convenient factor for the child and the parent. Traveling too far from home becomes a hectic schedule for the child and there’s no fun leftthen;, hence choosing a familiar area and good location before admission becomes very important. Parents need to ensure that the preschool is located in a secure area, with well-maintained road and infrastructure facilities.
  • Student-Teacher Ratio: Several factors contribute to a child’s development in a preschool environment, and class size is one of them. It matters that you choose a preschool offering a class ratio that supports each child without ignoring the other. The presence of teachers should be in increase in number of children in the preschool. Exhausted teachers might not be able to fully concentrate on the child’s requirements. Hence, a preschool with an adequate number of teachers becomes a very essential factor when choosing a preschool for your children.
  • Special Programs and Initiatives: Preschool admission in Sarjapur Road Bangalore offers a great academic and social background to young children. The curriculum and pedagogy are designed in such a manner that it supports the child’s overall development. Preschool special programs are conducted in a way to provides structured and play-based learning. Activities such as reading, role play, music, dance, meditation, martial arts,etc., enhance their talents create awareness, and improve their critical and reasoning skills.


 The quality of preschool sets the quality of your child’s overall growth and development. CMR Gandhi Public School is the best preschool in Bangalore that allows you to stand out exceptionally with its bright academic background and extra-curriculum. With a mission to maximize the unique potential of every student CMR Gandhi Public School prepares a pathway to success for preschool children. The vision of CMRGPS is to make their students confident, innovative, and responsible global leaders by adopting 21st-century learning pedagogy. Nurturing with love and care at CMRGPS preschool in Bangalore near Sarjapur Road is the best choice parents can make to help their children glow and grow in the future.
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January 08, 2024 4 Mins

Problem-Solving Skills: A Key to Student Success and Achievement


Social skills encompass more than just communication. They include empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness. These abilities are vital for establishing meaningful connections, nurturing understanding, and creating a positive learning environment. 

This article delves into the benefits of social skills for students, methods for teaching them, and the collaborative role that parents and educators can play in shaping a student's social growth.

Teaching Social Skills in the Classroom:

  1. Group Activities:

Most of the group activities are focused on fostering collaboration, encouraging teamwork, and cultivating a sense of community among participants. 

For instance, a team-building exercise might involve solving a complex problem together, highlighting the importance of communication and collective problem-solving skills.

  1. Listening Exercises:

We encourage students to listen actively, a skill vital for effective communication. 

During discussions, our exercises involve students pairing up to share personal experiences. Each listener will then summarise the speaker's main points, fostering not only attentive listening but also the ability to comprehend and articulate ideas.

  1. Adaptability Challenges:

Our educators introduce scenarios that require adaptability, promoting flexibility and creativity. 

For example, a sudden change in the classroom schedule or a modification to a project's requirements encourages students to adapt quickly, teaching them to go about unforeseen circumstances with resilience and a solution-oriented mindset.

  1. Mindfulness Practices:

Many of the best CBSE schools in Sarjapur road Bengaluru, integrate mindfulness exercises to enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation. 

For instance, brief mindfulness sessions at the beginning or end of a class. Students can practice focused breathing, grounding themselves in the present moment, and fostering a calm and centred mindset conducive to effective learning.

  1. Open Discussions:

We facilitate discussions that encourage open-mindedness and embrace diverse perspectives. 

Often, assigning a topic that allows for varied opinions guides students in exploring different viewpoints. For instance, a debate on current events or a literature analysis from multiple cultural angles promotes critical thinking, empathy, and an appreciation for the richness of diverse perspectives.


Significance of Social Skills in Education:

Social skills are crucial for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. 

They help in effective collaboration, promote inclusivity, and enhance emotional intelligence. When classrooms prioritise these skills, it creates a positive culture that improves academic performance and prepares students for real-world challenges. 

It is essential to be able to navigate relationships and make a meaningful contribution to society to achieve academic success and lifelong empowerment. Focusing on developing social skills is a commitment to encouraging children to live a promising life. 


Challenges Faced by Students Without Essential Social Skills:

  1. Difficulty in Building Relationships:

Students who lack empathy and active listening skills may struggle to form meaningful connections with their peers. Building relationships becomes challenging when individuals cannot understand and resonate with others' emotions and perspectives.

  1. Ineffective Communication:

A lack of adaptability and open-mindedness hinders effective communication. Students may struggle to express themselves clearly, leading to misunderstandings and barriers in conveying thoughts and ideas.

  1. Struggles in Group Settings:

Students may face challenges in group activities and projects without essential social skills. Teamwork requires adaptability, open-mindedness, and effective communication, skills that are crucial for collaborative success.

  1. Difficulty in Resolving Conflicts:

The absence of conflict resolution skills, coupled with a lack of empathy, can result in heightened tensions and unresolved conflicts. Students may find it challenging to navigate disagreements and misunderstandings, affecting both personal relationships and academic pursuits.

  1. Limited Emotional Regulation:

Students with mindfulness skills may need help with emotional skills and regulation. The inability to manage stress, frustration, or anxiety can hinder focus and concentration, impacting overall academic performance.

  1. Resistance to Change:

Adaptability is essential for navigating the changes and challenges that academic and social environments present. Students lacking this skill may resist change, hindering personal growth and adjustment to new situations.

  1. Social Isolation:

A combination of these challenges can lead to social isolation. Students may withdraw from social interactions, feeling disconnected and disengaged from their peers and the learning environment.

  1. Reduced Classroom Participation:

In classrooms emphasising collaboration and discussion, students without open-mindedness and adaptability may be less likely to participate actively. This limits their exposure to diverse perspectives and impedes their overall learning experience.

  1. Impact on Academic Success:

Ultimately, the cumulative effect of these challenges can impact academic success. The ability to steer social interactions, collaborate effectively, and manage emotions contributes significantly to a student's holistic development and overall educational journey.

Addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach from both educators and parents. 


Collaborative Roles of Parents and Educators:

The following summarises the best collaborative techniques that work well for children when parents and educators actively communicate, align on educational goals, share insights into a child's progress, and jointly develop strategies to support their holistic development.

  1. Establish Empathetic Communication Channels: Regularly communicate with children to understand their social progress and focus on developing empathy.
  2. Reinforce Mindfulness at Home: Support classroom teachings by encouraging mindfulness practices at home.
  3. Model Open-Minded Behaviour: Demonstrate open-mindedness and adaptability as parents and educators, setting an example for students.
  4. Develop Individualised Support Plans: Create personalised plans for students considering their social skill needs.

Best Strategies for Developing Social Skills:

Children when introduced to the following strategies will develop profound social skills:

  1. Master Active Listening: Emphasise the importance of attentive listening to foster deeper connections.
  2. Resolve Conflict with Empathy: Equip students with empathetic conflict resolution skills for peaceful interactions.
  3. Practise Mindful Communication: Discuss the impact of mindful communication, including verbal and non-verbal cues.
  4. Build Compassion as a Skill: Encourage the development of empathy as a conscious skill.
  5. Promote Open-Mindedness: Foster an environment where open-mindedness and adaptability are celebrated.



CMR Gandhi Public School, one of the reputed CBSE schools near Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, is known for nurturing essential qualities like empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness among its students. Our school's approach is unique as it seamlessly incorporates these principles into its curriculum, creating an environment where students can thrive academically while developing into socially responsible individuals.

By adopting these strategies and recognising the crucial role of parents and educators in a student's overall development, the school is helping to shape well-rounded individuals who are well-equipped to navigate the world's complexities.

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December 29, 2023 4 Mins

Cultivating Empathy and Open-Mindedness: A Guide to Developing Social Skills in Students


Social skills encompass more than just communication. They include empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness. These abilities are vital for establishing meaningful connections, nurturing understanding, and creating a positive learning environment. 

This article delves into the benefits of social skills for students, methods for teaching them, and the collaborative role that parents and educators can play in shaping a student's social growth.

Teaching Social Skills in the Classroom:

  1. Group Activities:

Most of the group activities are focused on fostering collaboration, encouraging teamwork, and cultivating a sense of community among participants. 

For instance, a team-building exercise might involve solving a complex problem together, highlighting the importance of communication and collective problem-solving skills.

  1. Listening Exercises:

We encourage students to listen actively, a skill vital for effective communication. 

During discussions, our exercises involve students pairing up to share personal experiences. Each listener will then summarise the speaker's main points, fostering not only attentive listening but also the ability to comprehend and articulate ideas.

  1. Adaptability Challenges:

Our educators introduce scenarios that require adaptability, promoting flexibility and creativity. 

For example, a sudden change in the classroom schedule or a modification to a project's requirements encourages students to adapt quickly, teaching them to go about unforeseen circumstances with resilience and a solution-oriented mindset.

  1. Mindfulness Practices:

Many of the best CBSE schools in Sarjapur road Bengaluru, integrate mindfulness exercises to enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation. 

For instance, brief mindfulness sessions at the beginning or end of a class. Students can practice focused breathing, grounding themselves in the present moment, and fostering a calm and centred mindset conducive to effective learning.

  1. Open Discussions:

We facilitate discussions that encourage open-mindedness and embrace diverse perspectives. 

Often, assigning a topic that allows for varied opinions guides students in exploring different viewpoints. For instance, a debate on current events or a literature analysis from multiple cultural angles promotes critical thinking, empathy, and an appreciation for the richness of diverse perspectives.


Significance of Social Skills in Education:

Social skills are crucial for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. 

They help in effective collaboration, promote inclusivity, and enhance emotional intelligence. When classrooms prioritise these skills, it creates a positive culture that improves academic performance and prepares students for real-world challenges. 

It is essential to be able to navigate relationships and make a meaningful contribution to society to achieve academic success and lifelong empowerment. Focusing on developing social skills is a commitment to encouraging children to live a promising life. 


Challenges Faced by Students Without Essential Social Skills:

  1. Difficulty in Building Relationships:

Students who lack empathy and active listening skills may struggle to form meaningful connections with their peers. Building relationships becomes challenging when individuals cannot understand and resonate with others' emotions and perspectives.

  1. Ineffective Communication:

A lack of adaptability and open-mindedness hinders effective communication. Students may struggle to express themselves clearly, leading to misunderstandings and barriers in conveying thoughts and ideas.

  1. Struggles in Group Settings:

Students may face challenges in group activities and projects without essential social skills. Teamwork requires adaptability, open-mindedness, and effective communication, skills that are crucial for collaborative success.

  1. Difficulty in Resolving Conflicts:

The absence of conflict resolution skills, coupled with a lack of empathy, can result in heightened tensions and unresolved conflicts. Students may find it challenging to navigate disagreements and misunderstandings, affecting both personal relationships and academic pursuits.

  1. Limited Emotional Regulation:

Students with mindfulness skills may need help with emotional skills and regulation. The inability to manage stress, frustration, or anxiety can hinder focus and concentration, impacting overall academic performance.

  1. Resistance to Change:

Adaptability is essential for navigating the changes and challenges that academic and social environments present. Students lacking this skill may resist change, hindering personal growth and adjustment to new situations.

  1. Social Isolation:

A combination of these challenges can lead to social isolation. Students may withdraw from social interactions, feeling disconnected and disengaged from their peers and the learning environment.

  1. Reduced Classroom Participation:

In classrooms emphasising collaboration and discussion, students without open-mindedness and adaptability may be less likely to participate actively. This limits their exposure to diverse perspectives and impedes their overall learning experience.

  1. Impact on Academic Success:

Ultimately, the cumulative effect of these challenges can impact academic success. The ability to steer social interactions, collaborate effectively, and manage emotions contributes significantly to a student's holistic development and overall educational journey.

Addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach from both educators and parents. 


Collaborative Roles of Parents and Educators:

The following summarises the best collaborative techniques that work well for children when parents and educators actively communicate, align on educational goals, share insights into a child's progress, and jointly develop strategies to support their holistic development.

  1. Establish Empathetic Communication Channels: Regularly communicate with children to understand their social progress and focus on developing empathy.
  2. Reinforce Mindfulness at Home: Support classroom teachings by encouraging mindfulness practices at home.
  3. Model Open-Minded Behaviour: Demonstrate open-mindedness and adaptability as parents and educators, setting an example for students.
  4. Develop Individualised Support Plans: Create personalised plans for students considering their social skill needs.

Best Strategies for Developing Social Skills:

Children when introduced to the following strategies will develop profound social skills:

  1. Master Active Listening: Emphasise the importance of attentive listening to foster deeper connections.
  2. Resolve Conflict with Empathy: Equip students with empathetic conflict resolution skills for peaceful interactions.
  3. Practise Mindful Communication: Discuss the impact of mindful communication, including verbal and non-verbal cues.
  4. Build Compassion as a Skill: Encourage the development of empathy as a conscious skill.
  5. Promote Open-Mindedness: Foster an environment where open-mindedness and adaptability are celebrated.



CMR Gandhi Public School, one of the reputed CBSE schools near Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru, is known for nurturing essential qualities like empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness among its students. Our school's approach is unique as it seamlessly incorporates these principles into its curriculum, creating an environment where students can thrive academically while developing into socially responsible individuals.

By adopting these strategies and recognising the crucial role of parents and educators in a student's overall development, the school is helping to shape well-rounded individuals who are well-equipped to navigate the world's complexities.

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October 01, 2021 4 Mins

Moving From “Why” To “How”: Defining The Goals And Methods Of Fostering A Positive Attitude Among School Students

There is little argument against the propositions that schools should play a key role in fostering a positive mindset. This requirement is particularly pronounced during the post-pandemic recovery period. An overwhelming majority of school-going children across the globe have suffered losses in their educational, personal growth and development due to the disruptions in traditional classroom, limited peer interactions and the shortcomings/unavailability of virtual education.

One of the common goals of fostering a positive mindset among school students is the improvement of learning outcomes. Much of the academic literature and studies in this field is inspired by the work of Carol Dweck.[1] She proposed that learning behaviours and intelligence are influenced by student’s mindsets – hence, teaching students a growth mindset can encourage them to build resilience and embrace learning as a challenge.

How does one teach a child to think positively – a skill that arguably many adults are unable to practice in their daily lives? Most structured studies involve an intervention where selected school students are invited to participate in workshops and mentoring programmes for a few weeks, covering topics such as general or specific study skills (such as math games), growth versus fixed mindsets, avoiding language or labels such as “dumb”, “easy”/ “hard” tasks, etc. in order to inculcate a growth mindset. There are exciting opportunities for educators to uniquely convey these skills to children – for instance, using a 3-D brain map to show students how learning takes place when the brain reforms new neural connections in response to new experiences.[2] Such studies often conclude that interventions teaching students about positive mindsets lead to promising improvements in their academic performance.[3]

There may be scope for implementing these findings in the traditional curriculum (i.e. by improving the content and the manner in which subjects are taught). The National Education

Policy of 2020 encourages flexible and enjoyable learning through hands-on learning, arts and sports-integrated education, story-telling or other activities.[1] However, there are challenges in implementing the goal of school education should be to inculcate positive attitudes:

  • Are teachers suited for the role of imparting positive attitudes – if so, should they dedicate classroom time in building and reinforcing positive mindset? Or, does the process of building a positive mindset require personal interaction among smaller groups of students – if so, is it feasible to require students to attend mandatory sessions with school counsellors?
  • Is academic performance improved if students learn positive attitudes towards learning specifically, or if students receive generalised counselling (such as positive self-image and stress reduction techniques)?
  • In what manner should educators mix different techniques (such as lectures/mentorship, group meetings, in-classroom activities, excursions, learning games and puzzles, story/essay writing, arts and sports) in order to create the most effective programme that inculcates positive attitudes?

While the current academic literature does not prescribe a specific method, our modern learning environment allows us to experiment with a wide variety of techniques (in the classroom as well as in extra-curricular programmes) that can significantly improve student’s learning habits and attitudes.   

Educators embrace the idea that teaching students can be a learning process in itself, and that learning is a life-long exercise. This attitude may not be intuitive to all young students. In fact, one such study has determined that the academic success of students does not depend upon whether teachers are taught about growth mindsets and positive learning attitudes.  It is important for educators and families to consciously and creatively reiterate positive learning skills and values, whether during classroom hours or extra-curricular sessions.

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June 22, 2021 4 Mins

“Hey! Teacher, Leave Them Covid Kids Alone”: Revisiting Educational Philosophy In The New World
The Merriam Webster Dictionary embraces the word ‘coronial’ to describe children conceived or born during the pandemic. The word has been used in the context of many adults discussing the unique experiences of young children during a pandemic. Among such concerns is whether an education system designed in a pre-pandemic era has any relevance to “COVID kids” or “quaranteens”. Luckily, the educational philosophies that have shaped modern education may stand the test of time once again. American philosopher and educationist John Dewey’s ideas theories have made a lasting impact on school systems across the world. His written works have provided several generations of educators a clear insight of what should be taught in a classroom and how it should be taught. Dewey strongly opposed the idea that children were passive recipients of information. Rather, he would view a child’s impulses, beliefs, emotions and personality as a work-in-progress, constantly transacting with and adapting to a dynamic world. The knowledge that would enrich a child’s life in her early years ought not to be limited to textbooks alone. Through a methodical approach, teachers must guide children in a path of learning through meaningful activities and experiments. In the long run, a child can better remember and appreciate the lessons she learns through active participation in exciting classroom activities rather than mere rote work or orthodox teaching methods. Dewey considered educators with the highest esteem. He remarked that while a professional such as a doctor or a lawyer may complete her task when a patient is cured or a client’s case is resolved, an educator must ensure that each classroom session delivers a positive impact to a child’s lifelong development. A negative school experience, a boring lecture or a incomprehensible lesson may hamper a child’s interest in a subject - while many may consider this a common childhood experience with trivial consequences, children may arrive at negative/incorrect conclusions about the world based on a negative or disjointed school experience. Hence, the educator must carefully plan her educational resources and place it in context (prevailing socio-economic circumstances, local community and a child’s background) to ensure that her students receive effective and positive education. In the early years of the 2020s, it has become apparent to parents, teachers and senior students that school education can no longer be limited to the static information contained in prescribed textbooks. However, younger children may have little or no pre-context to a life before the pandemic and may not be able to appreciate the changes necessitated in our education system in the past two years. Moving from simple cause-and-effect learning (e.g. ‘wash your hands to be rid of germs’) to a wider base of knowledge (appropriate social and cultural norms to prevent pandemics, manage natural disasters and support the community) requires parents and teachers to incorporate textbook chapters into present-day context, actively address the past and the present, and encourage creative freedom. We must acknowledge that the process of learning does not cease simply because schools are not operating in the usual physical context of a classroom, desk, chalkboard, uniform and strict rules. In order to develop their maturity in later years, young children require a strong knowledge base today – this knowledge cannot be divorced from a re-evaluation of our present circumstances and creative reformulation of school curriculum. When physical classrooms are permitted, we need not fear that younger generations have missed out on a vital stage of their development due to virtual schooling. With a principled approach towards progressive learning, “Coronial” may become synonymous with a “golden generation”.
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June 19, 2021 4 Mins

Social Media in School Studies: An Aid or A Distraction?
For many teachers, use of social media during classroom hours is a nuisance. Once punishable with confiscating the student’s phone, teachers may attempt to enforce discipline during virtual classrooms by making it mandatory for students to turn on their cameras so that teachers can monitor the level of attention and participation. For other teachers, integrating social media into classroom learning provides an opportunity for both the teacher and the student to gain new insights. For instance, the efforts of this sociology teacher in Massachusetts in compiling a dictionary of Generation Z slang had become viral not only for its unique approach to education but for its meaningful application to the discipline of sociology to daily life. The relationship between social media and learning remains ambiguous for many parents and teachers. While there is a growing acceptance of the benefits of online learning tools in an interconnected world, excessive use of social media raises concerns about falling grades and reduced quality of learning (prompting many scientists to undertake detailed research about the relationship between social media and academic performance). Addressing the relevance of social media to childhood education is a difficult task since each child uses social media differently depending upon their socio-economic circumstances. Factors such as their age, gender, economic class and social culture (such as the digital usage trends among the youth in a particular society, the privacy enjoyed by children and attitudes towards social media) can greatly influence the way a child processes the information obtained from social media. For instance, affluent families may encourage their children to use social media as a healthy platform of self-expression if it does not interfere with their studies. On the other hand, families that are keen on supporting their children’s progress in the traditional merit-based education system may not find social media skills useful towards that objective. There is little consensus among educators on how (and whether) social media ought to be integrated in the school curriculum. Parents and teachers are conscious of the fact that certain negative effects of social media (such as exposure to fake information, cyberbullying or risky online behavior) ought to be addressed at home and at school. However, it is important for schools to acknowledge the advantages of social media to education and obtaining/updating one’s knowledge base: Online videos simplify complex problems in mathematics and science. Governments at the national and local level rely on social media to communicate important information and rules for the benefit of the community. Underperforming students may privately use social media resources to catch up with their peers in their studies. Online platforms has enabled “learning-by-doing” among the youth, whether it is improving one’s vocational skill or actively participating in civil society to strengthen a country’s democracy. Educators often bridge the gap between social media and traditional curriculum by enabling virtual platforms (such as research groups, virtual laboratories, student councils and mock debates). Such projects allow students to gain a new skill set of digital literacy, retain their digital autonomy as active participants in a virtual exercise, and implement their school lessons in creative workshops. However, virtual classroom exercises are a short-term solution to the childhood developmental issues raised by social media. How do students develop their personal identity through the use of social media? If the personal development of children is harmed by social media usage, how can schools provide the tools for children to strengthen their emotional and psychological well-being? If an online video is far more interesting and up-to-date than the classroom lesson, how should the school curriculum be designed so that teachers can highlight the real-life relevance of a classroom topic? More importantly, it is urgent for teachers and parents to re-evaluate their relationship with students in the learning context not as authoritative figures but as facilitators and trusted guides. With information one click away, children may underestimate the importance of formal learning and consider it as an interference to their own ability to verify and learn through an online resource. Not all students may share the ability to discern the quality of information they obtain through social media (such as biased blogs, posts with corporate sponsorship, or oversimplified/incorrect summaries of a subject). While we are far from achieving the perfect harmony between social media and structured classrooms, it is important that we adopt a principled approach towards overseeing a student’s use of social media outside/within classroom hours. In an environment of trust, autonomy and intellectual curiosity, students can use social media in helpful ways and can rely on a supportive network of schools and parents when help is needed.
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June 14, 2021 4 Mins

Bringing Children To The World Outdoors During A Lockdown
Research has well established that the physical environment that a child lives and studies in profoundly impacts the way he/she develops.The curious minds of youngsterare adept in studying the noise of an airplane flying overhead, the hawking of street vendors throughout the day, the plastic wrapper that a passer-by carelessly tosses on the pavement or the unkempt weedsbehind themetal fence of a public park.In a broader sense, the quality of infrastructure that children are exposed to impacts their mental and physical well-being. One can easily witness how irritable or withdrawn a child feels after being exposed to loud noise or suffocating crowds. While lockdowns are vital to preserve human life, they inevitablyprevent children from enjoying public spaces such as green parks and recreational centres. This does not need to limit the holistic development of children - ourshared experience during the COVID-19 pandemic proves that teaching and learning can adapt well to(and perhaps even improve with) digital technology. Furthermore, lockdowns do not necessarily mean that children must be completely separated from their interaction with physical environments. Children are keenly aware of the flaws in their locality– not only neglected buildings, but poor sewage treatment, unsafe streets and unbearable air pollution. They are also capable of providing innovative solutions to improve the quality of life in their city, town or locale.[1] UNICEF encourages the active participation of children in building a “Child Friendly City”: i.e. any community where children feel part of a safe, secure, non-discriminatory and sustainablecommunity that prioritizes giving children a good start at life.[2]Countries that participate in the Child Friendly City initiative assess whether their local laws and policies include the well-being and active participation of children from all backgrounds.[3] To counter the genuine concern that children may be negatively impacted by being confined indoors due to extended lockdowns or illness, parents and schools must take every opportunity to engage children with the outdoors even when they are indoors. Through various co-curricular projects and activities, students may develop an appreciation of their physical environment as well as their role in building a better community and a better world. For instance, our poster-making exercise on “My Ideal City” seeks tointroduce our students to social issues through creative self-expression.By identifying problems such as poor public health, social discrimination or environmental pollution, a student may productively engage with difficult topics. We strive to prevent children from learning helplessness in closed environments regardless of their circumstances, and instead step outside to a safer environment as proactive and knowledgeable citizens at an early age.
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January 24, 2020 4 Mins

Blended Learning For Schools – The Future Is Online
Summary: In this post, Ms. Roopashi Khatri (Treasurer, CMR Gandhi Public School and Advocate before the High Court of Karnataka) discusses the advantages of blending our present experiences with online learning with traditional classroom sessions as schools are set to reopen in the near future.  The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has provided an impetus to blended learning (i.e. a combination of face-to-face classroom methods and online activities into a comprehensive learning programme). Blended learning has emerged as an innovation in the education sector that may even improve on the pre-pandemic traditional classroom methods. The Government of India acknowledges this aspect with its continued emphasis on integrating online learning resources with the traditional school curriculum. In the National Education Policy 2020, the Ministry of Education recommends that schools may, for instance, offer the following subjects online:
  1. Innovative classes on classical Indian languages and literature (including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Pali, Persian, and Prakrit);
  2. Vocational subjects (such as vocational crafts); and
  3. Continuous Professional Development courses for teachers, school principal and educational leaders.
Policy recommendations tend to focus on the use of online learning resources at the level of colleges and universities throughout India. However, online learning has been the predominant mode of formal education for students of primary and secondary schools across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools must therefore acknowledge their role in leading the innovation in e-learning for young children, as well as carrying forward the lessons learnt in designing cutting-edge curriculums that combine the best of both worlds (online and offline). Online tools offer teachers the option to educate and test students in creative and exciting ways – such as drawing cartoon strips, group theatre projects, school eNewsletters and eMagaines, documentaries/podcasts/interviews directed by students, interactive multimedia, simulations, educational games, as well as virtual tours of museums, zoos and beautiful public parks. E-resources such as mass online open courses (MOOCs) help students supplement their course curriculum with the latest knowledge and trends. Many teachers prefer incorporating successful and well-conducted MOOCs along with traditional classroom education. UNESCO has strongly supported the use of open educational resources (particularly resources available under free/open licenses) to promote knowledge sharing despite suspension of physical classes during the pandemic. Finally, as our lives become increasingly digital, it is important for both students and teachers to learn how to participate as virtual citizens – this begins with digital literacy and online learning skills at the school. Online learning is not a substitute to the face-to-face interaction that is vital for a child’s holistic development. But it may act as a useful addition to formal education by providing the educational experience that traditional classroom methods may not effectively provide. Using e-learning resources requires teachers and educational leaders to carefully plan the design of subjects. The number of hours spent online/face-to-face/in practical labs, or the kind of resources available to students online versus offline, depends upon various factors (such as the nature of the subject and the individual requirements of the students). Blended learning and online educational resources provides us a unique opportunity to enhance the skills and experiences of our children in their early years. One can confidently expect these advantages to multiply if blended learning continues as physical classrooms open across the country in the near future.
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