

April 11, 2024

4 minutes

Make Summer Unforgettable: Fun Activities to Keep Kids Engaged!


A new session, a new quarter, has begun! As we slide our way into summer, aren’t we excited about the summer break? They’re special for families as we get to relax & rejuvenate through a plethora of activities (like summer camps, outstation trips, movie nights, etc.), and create memories that last a lifetime. Summer activities for kids offer a platform for pursuing new interests, passions, discoveries, and endless possibilities. But wait! Did you know? 

“Child development researches indicates that children may experience academic loss due to gaps in learning over long school breaks—a phenomenon called SUMMER SLIDE.”


The Challenges Of Summer!

A research group in New Zealand claims that students lose approximately 5.8 months of reading progress. Another study states this phenomenon is prominently observed in elementary classes, where students lost about 27% of their school year gain in mathematics & 20% in language subjects; highlighting the importance of facilitating fun learning outside school in an environment conducive to exploration and personal growth.

Facilitating students’ transition from a structured school routine to unstructured days at home can be a major hurdle for parents, especially when the allure of passive leisure, screen time & free play may overshadow a fit lifestyle and the development of life skills. To prevent this, you can include hands-on experiments, levelled reading, structured playtime, outdoor exploration, and subject-related activities as a part of summer learning for children.

When students are involved in DIY projects, fun science experiments, cooking activities and research-based projects over the summer, they remain connected to their academic subjects. Also, independently tackling a project develops a sense of autonomy and ownership. It also gives them the time and space to research information and creatively present it the way they like.


Summer Break Highlights The Need For Holistic Learning

Holistic education: a recent trend, invokes all five senses of children to nurture physical, mental, socio-emotional & intellectual skills, thus, promoting their overall growth, awareness, and well-being. This approach is based on experiential learning, which integrates school subjects with real-life experiences through activities, puzzles, projects, social interactions, higher-order thinking cues, etc. The best schools in Bangalore have already incorporated it as a part of their curriculum; CMR Gandhi Public School is one of them.

At CMR Gandhi Public School, learning isn’t just restricted to lectures and written work but also includes a range of enrichment activities, specialised programmes and school clubs, which are thoughtfully designed to encourage students’ competencies and thinking abilities beyond traditional classrooms. Through Nrityan, Dhwani & Daastan, students develop proficiency in music, dance, theatre, etc., while Number Ninjas & Scribblers Society supports expertise in academic subjects. Compassion Crew builds essential values (like gratitude, empathy, care, etc.) through community-building projects, while Future leaders of India cultivates thought leadership to help students survive the unimaginable challenges of the future. The school also implements age-appropriate active summer programs and ‘homefun activities’ for the stimulation of all age groups.

Did that make you curious? Visit our website to learn more about our holistic learning programmes. 

Tips From CMR GPS Experts – Engaging Summer Activities For Kids Of Different Age Groups

Our experts at CMR Gandhi Public School have compiled a list of engaging activities so that students of different age groups can have fun learning outside school, while staying in touch with their subjects.

  • Pre-schoolers

Our experts advocate sensory exploration in the playground for pre-schoolers- the youngest learners! Sand play, water activities, nature exploration, etc. help them connect with nature, stimulating their curiosity and developing a sense of appreciation for the world. Students can also take part in arts & crafts projects (thumb printing, vegetable printing, mandala colouring, etc. which develop an eco-conscious mindset.

  • Elementary Graders

Elementary students (especially grades 2 and above) thrive on role plays, social interactions, and group projects that build camaraderie. For instance, backyard games, history or nature-themed scavenger hunts, fireless baking, gardening, book reviewing, building a family tree, etc. are great options when it comes to summer learning for children. They not only promote critical life skills (like collaboration, communication, comprehension, etc., but also teach them responsibility and valuable lessons in sustainability.

  • Middle School Learners

The middle school years include self-discovery, exploration, and developing a sense of civic duty. They’re formative years for higher education. Involving kids in volunteer projects, theatre, creative writing, scrapbooking, or learning a new outdoor skill, like skating, badminton, wall climbing, track & field, etc. gives them the confidence to conquer new challenges. If you’re planning to take kids on an outstation trip, why not engage them in travel blogging, travelogue writing or scrapbooking to keep the creative juices flowing?

  • Play-based Activities For All Age Groups

Play-based activities help children attain their developmental milestones sooner. STEM projects (like LEGO, coding, making cars and working models), role play, skits or Nukkad Nataks, sculpture, pottery, jewelry making, Origami, etc., are some examples of fun summer activities for kids. They allow children to exercise collaboration, decision making, problem-solving, etc. With time, children learn to express themselves artistically and collaborate with different age groups to overcome challenge.

Even swimming, team games (like basketball, soccer, cricket), and adventure sports like camping, rock climbing, rope jumping, paragliding, etc. are important to keep the adrenaline pumping. They keep you fit and flexible!

Precautionary Measures

If you’re planning to make this summer an outdoor adventure, make sure that you and the kids follow basic precautions while venturing outside.

  • Stay hydrated either by drinking water or eating water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumber, etc.
  • Wear loose, sweat-absorbent, light coloured, and comfortable clothes.
  • Wear sunscreen if you’re planning to hit the beach or stadium during the day.
  • Avoid strenuous activities during hottest hours of the day to stay clear from heat strokes and summer exhaustion.

So, make the summer of 2024 worth remembering by balancing academics with fun. You can use this time to nurture creativity, physical wellbeing and curiosity of children by fostering a love for learning outside school.

Want more tips & tricks related to child engagement? Do check out our blog!

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