Author: Ms. Roopashi Khatri (Treasurer, CMR Gandhi Public School and Advocate before the High Court of Karnataka)

A new session, a new quarter, has begun! As we slide our way into summer, aren’t we excited about the summer break? They’re special for 
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Laying the Groundwork  Early education, such as Kindergarten or Montessori learning for toddlers, plays a crucial role in cognitive expansion, motor development, and socio-emotional well-being. 
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Introduсtion In today’s сomрlex world, students need more than just strong academic skills to thrive. While math, sсienсe, and language literaсy provide critical knowledge, students 
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Education is evolving, and technology is playing a vital role in this transformation. As we enter 2024, online tools and apps are incredibly important in 
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Are your children or students facing exam stress? Wondering how to help students during exams? Exam stress is a major barrier to a student’s performance, 
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In this fast-paced world, your child needs a special school where they learn more than just academics. A place where their minds and hearts are 
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Why are more and more students in India opting for CBSE schools? What are the benefits of studying in CBSE schools, and how does this 
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Introduction A preschool is an educational institute that offers early childhood education. They are also called play schools or nursery schools. These schools mainly concentrate 
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Introduction Social skills encompass more than just communication. They include empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness. These abilities are vital for establishing meaningful connections, 
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Introduction Social skills encompass more than just communication. They include empathy, active listening, adaptability, mindfulness, and open-mindedness. These abilities are vital for establishing meaningful connections, 
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