
Young kids are naturally curious, innocent, and open-minded. They constantly absorb information from their surroundings and shape their personalities, preparing to communicate and participate in 
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The CBSE education can shape not just minds but futures. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has been constantly reinventing itself to create a 
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In an age of endless advertisement, many of them promotingcandy and junk food, children are susceptible to developing unhealthy eating habits, normalising high-calorie, high-sugar, low-nutrient 
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Why is critical thinking in the education world a buzzword in today’s day and age? The education sector has undergone seismic changes in recent times. 
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Introduction Yoga and meditation are some of the common practices in India, and they are a means to attain a state of easiness and union 
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Are these the sounds often heard around your children? If yes, then it must have been a challenge to ask kids to take a break 
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Montessori education or nursery school marks the beginning of your child’s educational journey, focusing on their overall growth. It is crucial to lay a strong 
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Do you worry about your child’s education? If so, you have come to the right page. The importance of primary education is growing. We cannot 
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A new session, a new quarter, has begun! As we slide our way into summer, aren’t we excited about the summer break? They’re special for 
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Laying the Groundwork  Early education, such as Kindergarten or Montessori learning for toddlers, plays a crucial role in cognitive expansion, motor development, and socio-emotional well-being. 
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